Article: How Teachers Can Benefit From End-of-Year Reflections
Important Dates
May 27 - Memorial Day - No School
May 31 - All Pcard receipts turned into the main office
June 3 - All deposits due to the main office
June 4 - Grade Level Meeting
June 7 - 1/2 Day - Staff Luncheon
June 10 - Grades due at 3:00 pm
- Memorial Day
- Morning Announcements
- 7:00 - Choir Concert
- 10:30 - HR @ EMS
- 7th Grade Advisory Activity @ Football Field
- 2:45 - Instructional Team Meeting
- 7:00 - Spring Band Concert
- 4:30 -TCAPS Retirement Reception
- 6th Grade P2 Assembly
- End of Year Celebration @ Dykstra's
- 8:00 - Community Movie Night @ Thirlby Field